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Subelement ZLB

Basic Electrical Theory

Section ZLB12

Device Recognition

In the figure shown, 2 represents the

  • collector of a pnp transistor
  • emitter of an npn transistor
  • Correct Answer
    base of an npn transistor
  • source of a junction FET
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In the figure shown, 3 represents the

  • drain of a junction FET
  • Correct Answer
    collector of an npn transistor
  • emitter of a pnp transistor
  • base of an npn transistor
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In the figure shown, 2 represents the

  • Correct Answer
    base of a pnp transistor
  • drain of a junction FET
  • gate of a junction FET
  • emitter of a pnp transistor
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In the figure shown, 1 represents the

  • collector of a pnp transistor
  • gate of a junction FET
  • source of a MOSFET
  • Correct Answer
    emitter of a pnp transistor
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In the figure shown, 2 represents the

  • drain of a p-channel junction FET
  • collector of an npn transistor
  • Correct Answer
    gate of an n-channel junction FET
  • base of a pnp transistor
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In the figure shown, 3 represents the

  • source of an n-channel junction FET
  • gate of a p-channel junction FET
  • emitter of a pnp transistor
  • Correct Answer
    drain of an n-channel junction FET
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In the figure shown, 2 represents the

  • Correct Answer
    gate of a MOSFET
  • base of a dual bipolar transistor
  • anode of a silicon controlled rectifier
  • cathode of a dual diode
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The figure shown represents a

  • dual bipolar transistor
  • dual diode
  • dual varactor diode
  • Correct Answer
    dual gate MOSFET
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In the figure shown, 3 represents the

  • filament of a tetrode
  • anode of a triode
  • Correct Answer
    grid of a tetrode
  • screen grid of a pentode
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In the figure shown, 5 represents the

  • grid of a tetrode
  • Correct Answer
    screen grid of a tetrode
  • heater of a pentode
  • grid of a triode
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