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Subelement ZLB

Basic Electrical Theory

Section ZLB11


The basic semiconductor amplifying device is a

  • diode
  • Correct Answer
  • pn-junction
  • silicon gate
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Zener diodes are normally used as

  • RF detectors
  • AF detectors
  • current regulators
  • Correct Answer
    voltage regulators
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The voltage drop across a germanium signal diode when conducting is about

  • Correct Answer
  • 0.6V
  • 0.7V
  • 1.3V
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A bipolar transistor has three terminals named

  • base, emitter and drain
  • collector, base and source
  • Correct Answer
    emitter, base and collector
  • drain, source and gate
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The three leads from a PNP transistor are named the

  • collector, source, drain
  • gate, source, drain
  • drain, base, source
  • Correct Answer
    collector, emitter, base
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A low-level signal is applied to a transistor circuit input and a higher-level signal is present at the output. This effect is known as

  • Correct Answer
  • detection
  • modulation
  • rectification
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The type of rectifier diode in almost exclusive use in power supplies is

  • lithium
  • germanium
  • Correct Answer
  • copper-oxide
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One important application for diodes is recovering information from transmitted signals. This is referred to as

  • biasing
  • rejuvenation
  • ionisation
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In a forward biased pn junction, the electrons

  • flow from p to n
  • Correct Answer
    flow from n to p
  • remain in the n region
  • remain in the p region
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The following material is considered to be a semiconductor

  • copper
  • sulphur
  • Correct Answer
  • tantalum
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A varactor diode acts like a variable

  • resistor
  • voltage regulator
  • Correct Answer
  • inductor
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A semiconductor is said to be doped when small quantities of the following are added

  • electrons
  • protons
  • ions
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The connections to a semiconductor diode are known as

  • cathode and drain
  • Correct Answer
    anode and cathode
  • gate and source
  • collector and base
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Bipolar transistors usually have

  • 4 connecting leads
  • Correct Answer
    3 connecting leads
  • 2 connecting leads
  • 1 connecting lead
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A semiconductor is described as a "general purpose audio NPN device". This is a

  • triode
  • silicon diode
  • Correct Answer
    bipolar transistor
  • field effect transistor
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Two basic types of bipolar transistors are

  • p-channel and n-channel types
  • Correct Answer
    NPN and PNP types
  • diode and triode types
  • varicap and zener types
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A transistor can be destroyed in a circuit by

  • excessive light
  • Correct Answer
    excessive heat
  • saturation
  • cut-off
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To bias a transistor to cut-off, the base must be

  • at the collector potential
  • Correct Answer
    at the emitter potential
  • mid-way between collector and emitter potentials
  • mid-way between the collector and the supply potentials
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Two basic types of field effect transistors are

  • Correct Answer
    n-channel and p-channel
  • NPN and PNP
  • germanium and silicon
  • inductive and capacitive
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A semiconductor with leads labelled gate, drain and source, is best described as a

  • bipolar transistor
  • silicon diode
  • gated transistor
  • Correct Answer
    field-effect transistor
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