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Subelement ZLB

Basic Electrical Theory

Section ZLB06


The total resistance in a parallel circuit

  • Correct Answer
    is always less than the smallest resistance
  • depends upon the voltage drop across each branch
  • could be equal to the resistance of one branch
  • depends upon the applied voltage
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Two resistors are connected in parallel and are connected across a 40 volt battery. If each resistor is 1000 ohms, the total battery current is

  • 40 ampere
  • 40 milliampere
  • 80 ampere
  • Correct Answer
    80 milliampere
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The total current in a parallel circuit is equal to the

  • current in any one of the parallel branches
  • Correct Answer
    sum of the currents through all the parallel branches
  • applied voltage divided by the value of one of the resistive elements
  • source voltage divided by the sum of the resistive elements
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One way to operate a 3 volt bulb from a 9 volt supply is to connect it in

  • series with the supply
  • parallel with the supply
  • Correct Answer
    series with a resistor
  • parallel with a resistor
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You can operate this number of identical lamps, each drawing a current of 250 mA, from a 5A supply

  • 50
  • 30
  • Correct Answer
  • 5
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Six identical 2-volt bulbs are connected in series. The supply voltage to cause the bulbs to light normally is

  • Correct Answer
    12 V
  • 1.2 V
  • 6 V
  • 2 V
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This many 12 volt bulbs can be arranged in series to form a string of lights to operate from a 240 volt power supply

  • 12 x 240
  • 240 + 12
  • 240 - 12
  • Correct Answer
    240 / 12
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Three 10,000 ohm resistors are connected in series across a 90 volt supply. The voltage drop across one of the resistors is

  • Correct Answer
    30 volt
  • 60 volt
  • 90 volt
  • 15.8 volt
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Two resistors are connected in parallel. R1 is 75 ohm and R2 is 50 ohm. The total resistance of this parallel circuit is

  • 10 ohm
  • 70 ohm
  • Correct Answer
    30 ohm
  • 40 ohm
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A dry cell has an open circuit voltage of 1.5 volt. When supplying a large current the voltage drops to 1.2 volt. This is due to the cell's

  • Correct Answer
    internal resistance
  • voltage capacity
  • electrolyte becoming dry
  • current capacity
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A 6 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a 30 ohm resistor. The total resistance of the combination is

  • Correct Answer
    5 ohm
  • 8 ohm
  • 24 ohm
  • 35 ohm
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The total resistance of several resistors connected in series is

  • less than the resistance of any one resistor
  • Correct Answer
    greater than the resistance of any one resistor
  • equal to the highest resistance present
  • equal to the lowest resistance present
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Five 10 ohm resistors connected in series give a total resistance of

  • 1 ohm
  • 5 ohms
  • 10 ohms
  • Correct Answer
    50 ohms
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Resistors of 10, 270, 3900, and 100 ohm are connected in series. The total resistance is

  • 9 ohm
  • 3900 ohm
  • Correct Answer
    4280 ohm
  • 10 ohm
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This combination of series resistors could replace a single 120 ohm resistor

  • Correct Answer
    five 24 ohm
  • six 22 ohm
  • two 62 ohm
  • five 100 ohm
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If a 2.2 megohm and a 100 kilohm resistor are connected in series, the total resistance is

  • 2.1 megohm
  • 2.11 megohm
  • 2.21 megohm
  • Correct Answer
    2.3 megohm
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If ten resistors of equal value R are wired in parallel, the total resistance is

  • R
  • 10R
  • 10/R
  • Correct Answer
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The total resistance of four 68 ohm resistors wired in parallel is

  • 12 ohm
  • Correct Answer
    17 ohm
  • 34 ohm
  • 272 ohm
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Resistors of 68 ohm, 47 kilohm, 560 ohm and 10 ohm are connected in parallel. The total resistance is

  • Correct Answer
    less than 10 ohm
  • between 68 and 560 ohm
  • between 560 and and 47 kilohm
  • greater than 47 kilohm
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The following resistor combination can most nearly replace a single 150 ohm resistor

  • four 47 ohm resistors in parallel
  • five 33 ohm resistors in parallel
  • Correct Answer
    three 47 ohm resistors in series
  • five 33 ohm resistors in series
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Two 120 ohm resistors are arranged in parallel to replace a faulty resistor. The faulty resistor had an original value of

  • 15 ohm
  • 30 ohm
  • Correct Answer
    60 ohm
  • 120 ohm
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Two resistors are in parallel. Resistor A carries twice the current of resistor B which means that

  • Correct Answer
    A has half the resistance of B
  • B has half the resistance of A
  • the voltage across A is twice that across B
  • the voltage across B is twice that across A
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The smallest resistance that can be made with five 1 k ohm resistors is

  • 50 ohm by arranging them in series
  • 50 ohm by arranging them in parallel
  • 200 ohm by arranging them in series
  • Correct Answer
    200 ohm by arranging them in parallel
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The following combination of 28 ohm resistors has a total resistance of 42 ohm

  • three resistors in series
  • three resistors in parallel
  • Correct Answer
    a combination of two resistors in parallel, then placed in series with another resistor
  • a combination of two resistors in parallel, then placed in series with another two in parallel
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Two 100 ohm resistors connected in parallel are wired in series with a 10 ohm resistor. The total resistance of the combination is

  • Correct Answer
    60 ohms
  • 180 ohms
  • 190 ohms
  • 210 ohms
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A 5 ohm and a 10 ohm resistor are wired in series and connected to a 15 volt power supply. The current flowing from the power supply is

  • 0.5 ampere
  • Correct Answer
    1 ampere
  • 2 ampere
  • 15 ampere
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Three 12 ohm resistors are wired in parallel and connected to an 8 volt supply. The total current flow from the supply is

  • 1 ampere
  • Correct Answer
    2 amperes
  • 3 amperes
  • 4.5 amperes
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Two 33 ohm resistors are connected in series with a power supply. If the current flowing is 100 mA, the voltage across one of the resistors is

  • 66 volt
  • 33 volt
  • Correct Answer
    3.3 volt
  • 1 volt
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A simple transmitter requires a 50 ohm dummy load. You can fabricate this from

  • four 300 ohm resistors in parallel
  • five 300 ohm resistors in parallel
  • Correct Answer
    six 300 ohm resistors in parallel
  • seven 300 ohm resistors in parallel
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Three 500 ohm resistors are wired in series. Short-circuiting the centre resistor will change the value of the network from

  • Correct Answer
    1500 ohm to 1000 ohm
  • 500 ohm to 1000 ohm
  • 1000 ohm to 500 ohm
  • 1000 ohm to 1500 ohm
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