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Subelement ZLB

Basic Electrical Theory

Section ZLB04

Measurement Units

The unit of impedance is the

  • ampere
  • farad
  • henry
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One kilohm is

  • 10 ohm
  • 0.01 ohm
  • 0.001 ohm
  • Correct Answer
    1000 ohm
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One kilovolt is equal to

  • 10 volt
  • 100 volt
  • Correct Answer
    1000 volt
  • 10,000 volt

Just like a kilometer equates to 1000 meters, a kilovolt would equate to 1000 volts.

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One quarter of one ampere may be written as

  • 250 microampere
  • 0.5 ampere
  • 0.25 milliampere
  • Correct Answer
    250 milliampere
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The watt is the unit of

  • Correct Answer
  • magnetic flux
  • electromagnetic field strength
  • breakdown voltage
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The voltage 'two volt' is also

  • Correct Answer
    2000 mV
  • 2000 kV
  • 2000 uV
  • 2000 MV
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The unit for potential difference between two points in a circuit is the

  • ampere
  • Correct Answer
  • ohm
  • coulomb
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Impedance is a combination of

  • reactance with reluctance
  • resistance with conductance
  • Correct Answer
    resistance with reactance
  • reactance with radiation
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One mA is

  • one millionth of one ampere
  • Correct Answer
    one thousandth of one ampere
  • one tenth of one ampere
  • one millionth of admittance
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The unit of resistance is the

  • farad
  • watt
  • Correct Answer
  • resistor
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