Sierra Foothills VE Team - Auburn, CA
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This is an in-person ham radio exam session that is open to the public. Walk-in applicants are welcome, though if you are planning to attend, please pre-register.
Availability for each session will be based on first come, first served. Plan to arrive 15 minutes in advance and bring the following items:
- Photo ID: Current federal, state, military or passport. If under the age of 18 a valid school ID
- FRN - FCC Registration Number
- Credit or debit card to authorize a $14 payment for the exam session
- Optional: Pen/Pencil, blank sheet of paper
Please note that the exams will be administered on tablets provided by the SFARC VE Team, which includes a calculator application. Candidates may not use their phone, tablet, computer or any other electronic device during the exam.