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Subelement F

Survival Craft Equip & S.A.R.:

Section 42

EPIRB System Structure and Operation

Which is not a function of a satellite under COSPAS-SARSAT using satellite EPIRBs?

  • Relayed satellite message includes the EPIRB ID number which provides a reference for retrieval of vessel information from the shore database.
  • Doppler shift of EPIRB signal is measured and the EPIRB’s position is calculated.
  • Information received from EPIRBs is time-tagged and transmitted to any Local User Terminal in the satellite's view.
  • Correct Answer
    After the EPIRB’s position is calculated using the Doppler shift COSPAS-SARSAT satellites provide follow-on SAR communications.

Which is NOT a function of a satellite under COSPAS-SARSAT using satellite EPIRBs?

(D). After the EPIRB's position is calculated using the Doppler shift COSPAS-SARSAT satellites provide follow-on SAR communications.

COSPAS-SARSAT functions using satellite EPIRB:

  • Relayed satellite message includes the EPIRB ID number which provides a reference for retrieval of vessel information from the shore database.

  • Doppler shift of EPIRB signal is measured and the EPIRB's position is calculated.

  • Information received from EPIRBs is time-tagged and transmitted to any Local User Terminal in the satellite's view.

For more information, please see COSPAS-SARSAT.INT page on What is COSPAS-SARSAT

Also, see SkyBrary site for COSPAS-SARSAT

Great complete description on Wikipedia article International Cospas-Sarsat Programme

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Which of the following satellite systems is of particular & dedicated importance to search and rescue missions under GMDSS?

  • Correct Answer
  • Inmarsat
  • GPS
  • Iridium

Which of the following satellite systems is of particular & dedicated importance to search and rescue missions under GMDSS?


COSPAS = Cosmicheskaya Sistema Poiska Avariynyh Sudov, Russian for "Space System for the Search of Vessels in Distress"
SARSAT = Search And Rescue SATellite

The Russian literal translation is Cosmic System of Position of Breakdown of Ships, COSPAS.

Just remember, SARSAT (SAR = Search And Rescue; SAT = satellite), and you'll get the right answer.

For more information, please see COSPAS SARSAT web site

For good overview please see Wikipedia article International Cospas-Sarsat Programme

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Which of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is FALSE?

  • 406 MHz EPIRBs are units that are used as alerting devices.
  • Correct Answer
    Doppler frequency measurements provide more precise locations than GPIRB signals.
  • The Doppler frequency measurement concept is used to determine the EPIRB's location.
  • Satellites in a low-earth polar orbit detect EPIRB beacons on 406 MHz and relay the information to a Local User Terminal (LUT).

Which of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is FALSE?

(B). Doppler frequency measurements provide more precise locations than GPIRB signals.


  • 406 MHz EPIRBs are units that are used as alerting devices.

  • The Doppler frequency measurement concept is used to determine the EPIRB's location.

  • Satellites in a low-earth polar orbit detect EPIRB beacons on 406 MHz and relay the information to a Local User Terminal (LUT).

For more information, please see COSPAS-SARSAT.INT page on What is COSPAS-SARSAT

Also, see SkyBrary site for COSPAS-SARSAT

Great complete description on Wikipedia article International Cospas-Sarsat Programme

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Which of the following statements concerning COSPAS-SARSAT is FALSE?

  • EPIRBs, ELTs, and PLBs use the system primarily for Distress alerting.
  • These satellites monitor 406 MHz for EPIRB signals.
  • Correct Answer
    After initiating a call request and selecting the LES, these satellites may be used for commercial messages.
  • These satellites use Doppler shift measurement to determine the location of the beacons.
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Which of the following statements concerning the EPIRB system is true?

  • GOES weather satellites will provide alerting with complete worldwide coverage.
  • COSPAS-SARSAT satellites always provides a distress alert and position report within 10 minutes of reception.
  • Correct Answer
    406 MHz EPIRBs equipped with GPS receivers will transmit a distress alert and position.
  • The GPS satellite system will relay an alert and position report within 20 minutes of reception.

Which of the following statements concerning the EPIRB system is TRUE?

(C). The Inmarsat system will not provide alerts and position report for 406 MHz EPIRBs equipped with GPS receivers.

Inmarsat is not used for distress. It's used for communication.

For more information, please see COSPAS-SARSAT.INT page on What is COSPAS-SARSAT

Also, see SkyBrary site for COSPAS-SARSAT

Great complete description on Wikipedia article International Cospas-Sarsat Programme

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Which of the following statements concerning satellite EPIRBs is true?

  • The coded EPIRB signal identifies the nature of the Distress situation.
  • The coded EPIRB signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registry.
  • If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB, it will transmit default information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode.
  • Correct Answer
    Once activated, these EPIRBs transmit a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon.

Which of the following statements concerning satellite EPIRBs is TRUE?

(D). Once activated, these EPIRBs transmit a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon.

This IS the function of EPIRBs.

For more information, please see COSPAS-SARSAT.INT page on What is COSPAS-SARSAT

Also, see SkyBrary site for COSPAS-SARSAT

Great complete description on Wikipedia article International Cospas-Sarsat Programme

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