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Subelement C

F.C.C. Rules & Regulations:

Section 19


A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A3 is required to maintain a watch on:

  • VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2182.0 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency.
  • MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency, HF on 4125.0 kHz.
  • Correct Answer
    VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency.
  • VHF Channel 16, VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 MHz and HF 4177.5 MHz.

A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A3 is required to maintain a watch on:

(C). VHF Channel 70, MF Frequency 2187.5 kHz, HF on 8414.5 kHz and one other HF DSC frequency.

47 CFR 80.1085(a)(2) A dedicated, non-scanning radio installation capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on VHF channel 70 which may be separate from, or combined with, that required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section;

47 CFR 80.1071(c)(2) The ship remains within coverage of a VHF coast station and maintains a continuous watch on VHF Channel 16; or

47 CFR 80.1071(c)(3) The vessel remains within coverage of an MF coast station and maintains a continuous watch on 2182 kHz and VHF Channel 16.

47 CFR 80.1091(a)(3) A radio installation capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on the frequency 2187.5 kHz which may be separate from or combined with, that required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section; and

47 CFR 80.1091(a)(1)(iii) An INMARSAT ship earth station capable of: Maintaining watch for shore-to-ship distress alert, including those directed to specifically defined geographical areas;

§ 80.1077 Frequencies. (2) For ships equipped with MF/HF equipment, there is a watch requirement on 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, and one other frequency. MF/HF DSC2 2187.5 kHz3, 4207.5 kHz, 6312 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, 12577 kHz, and 16804.5 kHz.

Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart W Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

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A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A-2 is required to maintain watch on:

  • 2174.5 kHz
  • 2182.0 kHz
  • 2738.0 kHz
  • Correct Answer
    2187.5 kHz

A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A-2 is required to maintain watch on:

(D). 2187.5 kHz

47 CFR 80.1091(a)(3) A radio installation capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on the frequency 2187.5 kHz which may be separate from or combined with, that required by paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section; and

§ 80.1077 Frequencies. (2) For ships equipped with MF/HF equipment, there is a watch requirement on 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, and one other frequency. MF/HF DSC2 2187.5 kHz3, 4207.5 kHz, 6312 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, 12577 kHz, and 16804.5 kHz.

Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart W Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

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What are the mandatory DSC watchkeeping bands/channels?

  • Correct Answer
    8 MHz HF DSC, 1 other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC and VHF Ch-70.
  • 2 MHz MF DSC, 8 MHz DSC, VHF Ch-16 and 1 other HF DSC.
  • VHF Ch-70, 2 MHz MF DSC, 6 MHz DSC and 1 other HF DSC.
  • VHF Ch-70, 2 MHZ MF DSC, 4 MHZ DSC and 8 MHz DSC.

What are the mandatory DSC watchkeeping bands/channels?

(A). 8 MHz HF DSC, 1 other HF DSC, 2 MHz MF DSC and VHF Ch-70.


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Proper watchkeeping includes the following:

  • Monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode, setting the DSC scanner to 2 MHz, 4 MHZ and 8 MHz for ships in the vicinity, notifying the Master of any Distress alerts.
  • Correct Answer
    After silencing an alarm all displays and/or printouts are read, monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode, notifying the Master of any Distress alerts.
  • Notifying the Master of any Distress alerts, setting the DSC scanner to 2 MHz, 4 MHZ and 8 MHz for ships in the vicinity, monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode.
  • Setting the DSC scanner only to the mandatory 2 MHz & 8 MHz, maintain continuous watch on 2182.0 kHz or 4125.0 kHz, notify the Master of any Distress traffic heard.
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Proper watchkeeping includes the following:

  • Understanding normal operational indicators, setting the DSC scanner frequencies to minimize alarms, maintaining a proper log.
  • Correct Answer
    Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log, understanding normal operational indicators, responding to and comprehending alarms.
  • Responding to and comprehending alarms, logging out of Inmarsat-C terminals while at sea, maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log.
  • Maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station log, setting the DSC scanner frequencies to minimize alarms, logging out of Inmarsat-C terminals while at sea.

Proper watchkeeping includes the following:

(B). After silencing an alarm all displays and/or printouts are read, monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode, notifying the Master of any Distress alerts.

47 CFR 80.1121(a) Ship or ship earth stations that receive a distress alert must, as soon as possible, inform the master or person responsible for the ship of the contents of the distress alert. Reference

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Which is true concerning a required watch on VHF Ch-16?

  • When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is required on Ch-16 in addition to both Ch-13 and the VTS channel.
  • It is not compulsory at all times while at sea until further notice, unless the vessel is in a VTS system.
  • Correct Answer
    When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is not required on Ch-16 provided the vessel monitors both Ch-13 and the VTS channel.
  • It is not always compulsory in sea areas A2, A3 and A4.

Which is true concerning a required watch on VHF Ch-16?

(C). When a vessel is in an A1 sea area and subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge act and in a VTS system, a watch is not required on Ch-16 provided the vessel monitors both Ch-13 and the VTS channel.

From Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart W Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

§ 80.1069 Maritime sea areas.
47 CFR 80.1069(a)(1) Sea area A1. An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the International Maritime Organization.

47 CFR 80.1071(c)(2) The ship remains within coverage of a VHF coast station and maintains a continuous watch on VHF Channel 16; or

47 CFR 80.1071(c)(3) The vessel remains within coverage of an MF coast station and maintains a continuous watch on 2182 kHz and VHF Channel 16.

§ 80.309 Watch required by the Bridge-to-Bridge Act. In addition to the watch requirement contained in § 80.148, all vessels subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge Act must keep a watch on the designated navigational frequency. The watch must be maintained by the master or person in charge of the vessel or the person designated by the master or person in charge to pilot or direct the movement of the vessel. The person standing watch may perform other duties provided such other duties do not interfere with the watch. Reference

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