What condition may be indicated if a VHF radio cannot contact nearby stations, an inline wattmeter indicates less than 1 watt output (HIGH power mode), and nominal voltage (e.g., 12.8 vdc) is applied to the VHF radio power input line?
The RF power applied to the input of the Power Amplifier (PA) stage is excessive. (18% chose this)
There is an open connection between the radio's PA stage and the antenna connector. (39% chose this)
The bias voltage applied to the Power Amplifier (PA) stage may be insufficient. (37% chose this)
A defective capacitor is blocking DC voltage from appearing at the antenna connector. (7% chose this)
A mismatched antenna system can degrade marine VHF radio performance. Antenna system matching can be analyzed by determining the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR). Which of the following is the best test procedure to determine the VHF antenna system SWR?
Insert a directional wattmeter between the VHF transmitter and the coaxial transmission line connected to the antenna, activate the Push-To-Talk (PTT) circuit, observe the measured values of forward and reflected power. (41% chose this)
Insert a SWR meter between the VHF transmitter and the coaxial transmission line disconnected from the antenna, set the radio to an unused channel, activate the Push-To-Talk circuit, and read the measured value. (30% chose this)
Insert a directional wattmeter between the VHF radio and an artificial antenna, set the radio to any channel, key the microphone, and read the values of forward and reflected power. (13% chose this)
Insert an in-line RF Power meter between the VHF transmitter and the coaxial transmission line connected to a 50 ohm load, activate the Push-To-Talk (PTT) circuit, observe the measured value of reflected power. (16% chose this)
What condition may be indicated if a VHF radio cannot contact nearby stations on any channel, an inline wattmeter indicates 25 watts output (HIGH power mode), and no modulation is heard when the transmitted signal is monitored with an external receiver?
A fault in the transmitter's Push-To-Talk circuit is causing the loss of audio. (46% chose this)
There is an open connection in the microphone cable or connector. (46% chose this)
The microphone's Automatic Gain Control (AGC) has malfunctioned. (5% chose this)
Degenerative feedback applied to the AF amplifier exceeds specifications. (4% chose this)
What is the configuration for a mains operated switching power supply with output regulation?
Input rectifier and filter, Inverter (chopper), output transformer, feedback loop to a chopper controller and inverter and output rectifier and filter to DC output. (20% chose this)
Line, Inverter (chopper), input rectifier and filter, output transformer, output rectifier and filter to DC output. (22% chose this)
Input rectifier and filter, output transformer, output rectifier and filter to DC output with feedback loop to the input followed by the chopper controller. (12% chose this)
Input rectifier and filter, Inverter (chopper), output transformer, output rectifier and filter to DC output with feedback loop to a chopper controller and the inverter. (46% chose this)
Which of the following best describes the GPS satellite signals transmitted?
The L2 carrier at 1650.5 MHz carries the navigation message and the L1 carrier at 1575.42 MHz is used to measure the ionospheric delay. (18% chose this)
The two carriers are combined in a mixer circuit to develop an intermediate signal which is transmitted. (16% chose this)
The main carrier of 1650.5 MHz and a sub-carrier of 1575.24 MHz containing the SPS code signals. (16% chose this)
The L1 carrier of 1575.42 MHz carries the navigation message and the SPS code signals and the L2 carrier 1227.60 MHz which is used to measure the ionospheric delay. (50% chose this)
An Inmarsat-C terminal will not "LOG IN". A test antenna cable with a new ADE attached in view of the satellite allows the terminal to "LOG IN". What steps would you take?
Replace the AZ or EL motor in the above deck equipment. (5% chose this)
Try logging into a different satellite with the original ADE. (18% chose this)
Use a DVM to check the feedline between the terminal and ADE. (24% chose this)
The NAVTEX is powering on and appears to be functioning normally except there have been no new messages for an extended period. The station settings are correct. What is the most likely source of the problem?
The audio amplifier is defective. (6% chose this)
The wrong frequency has been selected. (49% chose this)
The RF amplifier at the antenna base is defective. (43% chose this)
What may be indicated if a VHF radio operates normally but the transmitter produces nearly zero RF output in the high power mode on all marine channels?
The antenna system is presenting a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of 1.5 to 1.0 on the desired frequency. (5% chose this)
The SWR protection circuit in the transmitter has engaged to prevent damage to the Power Amplifier. (44% chose this)
A "crowbar" circuit in the power supply has prevented an over current condition that might damage the radio. (48% chose this)
A 50-ohm impedance in the antenna system is preventing the transmitter from achieving full power output. (3% chose this)
What condition may be indicated if a VHF radio is unable to contact nearby stations and an inline wattmeter indicates power outputs of 1 watt (LOW power) mode and 8.5 watts (HIGH power) mode with +12.8 vdc applied to the radio's DC line?
The AF Power Amplifier (PA) may be malfunctioning when the transmitter operates in the high power mode. (32% chose this)
Negative feedback in the PA stage may be preventing high amplitude oscillations in the high power mode. (9% chose this)
The transmitter output is low in the high power mode but it is still functioning within FCC specifications. (53% chose this)
The transmitter output will increase in the high power mode with modulation between 75 and 100 percent. (7% chose this)
Which of the following conditions would indicate the malfunction of a 2182 kHz radiotelephone system?
No discernable traffic has been heard on the 2182 kHz during the radiotelephone silent periods. (8% chose this)
Failure to contact another station 60 miles distant during daytime operation. (53% chose this)
Dramatic decrease in noise level observed during night and early morning hours. (2% chose this)
The visual indication of power to the antenna fluctuates while testing the radiotelephone alarm signal generator into an artificial antenna. (37% chose this)
A received signal on a MF/HF transceiver breaks up rapidly and repeatedly. The signal alternates between mid scale and zero on the "Signal" meter. What is the most likely cause?
Intermittent gain in the AF amplifier circuit. (10% chose this)
The squelch sensitivity control is set too high. (25% chose this)
An intermittent connection between the antenna and coupler. (53% chose this)
The AGC circuit has malfunctioned. (12% chose this)
What log entries are required after passing the annual inspection?
One of the ship's GMDSS Radio Operators must certify that inspecting technician as properly conducted all the required equipment tests. (15% chose this)
The inspecting technician must enter the results of all the equipment tests and specifically note which tests passed and which tests failed. (20% chose this)
Certification by both the inspecting technician and the vessel's Master/owner that the inspection was successful. (59% chose this)
The vessel's Master/Owner must certify that the inspection was successful. (6% chose this)
Which of the following statements concerning power supply filters is true?
A capacitor input has high output voltage, good voltage regulation, low rectifier peak currents and low transformer utilization factor. (19% chose this)
A capacitor input has low output voltage, poor voltage regulation, high rectifier peak currents and low transformer utilization factor. (14% chose this)
An Inductive input has poor voltage regulation, low transformer utilization factor, high rectifier peak currents and relative low output voltage. (14% chose this)
An Inductive input has good voltage regulation, high transformer utilization factor, low rectifier peak currents and relatively low output voltage. (54% chose this)
A design allowance that provides for the sun to accommodate expected fading for the purpose of ensuring that the required quality of service is maintained. (24% chose this)
A design allowance to accommodate expected fading. (44% chose this)
The increase in fade over a receiver's noise floor. (14% chose this)
The ratio between the largest and smallest values of a received signal. (18% chose this)
Using a frequency counter with an accuracy of 2 ppm which of the following are within legal tolerance for the frequencies of 2182.0 kHz and 4125.0 kHz? The counter has a display resolution of 1 Hz.
A 4 digit multi-meter with an accuracy of 0.15% and 2 counts is set on the 60 volt scale. What range of readings may be expected when measuring a 24 volt DC source?
A spectrum analyzer (SPECAN) can be a useful test instrument to troubleshoot a marine VHF radio. Which of the following is the best procedure to evaluate the input/output stages of a marine VHF transmitter?
Connect the radio to the SPECAN through an in-line attenuator, apply maximum attentuation and set the radio to HIGH power. Use an inductive probe to evaluate signals at the input/output of AF transmitter stages. (10% chose this)
Connect the radio to the SPECAN through an in-line attenuator, apply maximum attentuation and switch the radio to HIGH power. Use an inductive probe to evaluate signals at the input/output of RF transmitter stages. (13% chose this)
Connect the radio to the SPECAN through an in-line attenuator, apply minimum attentuation and switch the radio to LOW power. Use an inductive probe to evaluate signals at the input/output of AF transmitter stages. (19% chose this)
Connect the radio to the SPECAN through an in-line attenuator, apply maximum attentuation and switch the radio to LOW power. Use an inductive probe to evaluate signals at the input/output of RF transmitter stages. (58% chose this)
What are the main advantages of using switcher type power supply?
Line voltage is directly rectified and filtered to produce a high dc voltage, components are much smaller and lighter weight, can provide much better efficiency. (60% chose this)
The transformed voltage is directly rectified and filtered to produce a high dc voltage, components are much smaller and lighter weight and can provide much better efficiency. (30% chose this)
They use laminated steel transformers which are more efficient. (2% chose this)
Using a center tapped transformer secondary allows fewer rectifiers to be used. (8% chose this)
A 4 digit multi-meter with an accuracy of 0.15% and 2 counts is set on the 6 volt scale. What range of readings may be expected when measuring a 5 volt DC source?
Selective FEC communications (SFEC) are employed when:
Multiple stations without a group SELCALL must receive communications without using their transmitters. (7% chose this)
Multiple stations must receive communications by using their transmitters to achieve phasing. (12% chose this)
An individual station must receive communications without transmitting (Radio Silence). (67% chose this)
An individual station must receive communications by using their transmitter to achieve phasing and block other stations from breaking in. (14% chose this)
Which of the following is true of SITOR (NBDP) ARQ mode:
The ship station sends a group of 3 characters twice and then waits for an "RQ" signal to indicate proper receipt before transmission of the next 3 characters. (17% chose this)
The Ship station sends each character twice, using a time diversity system to ensure proper parity. (13% chose this)
The ship station sends a group of 3 characters, the shore station checks for proper parity and then requests the same group be resent to enable error correction. (7% chose this)
The ship station sends a group of 3 characters, the shore station checks for proper parity. If parity is OK, the shore station indicates readiness for transmission of the next 3 characters. (63% chose this)
What statement is true regarding the exchange between two stations engaged in SITOR (NBDP) communications?
In ARQ, each character is transmitted twice, with the second displaced in time from the first. (3% chose this)
In ARQ, the "sending" station transmits a block of three characters and the "receiving" station responds with a one character Repeat Request. Following this the "transmitting" station will send a new block. (17% chose this)
In ARQ, the ISS transmits a block of 3 characters and the IRS checks for parity. If the received block is correct a control signal is sent notifying the ISS to proceed. If the parity check fails the block must be resent. (67% chose this)
Broadcasts of Maritime Safety Information, traffic lists, etc. can be copied by the receiving station in ARQ mode. (12% chose this)
Which is not a function of a satellite under COSPAS-SARSAT using satellite EPIRBs?
After the EPIRB's position is calculated using the Doppler shift COSPAS-SARSAT satellites provide follow-on SAR communications. (59% chose this)
Relayed satellite message includes the EPIRB ID number which provides a reference for retrieval of vessel information from the shore database. (11% chose this)
Doppler shift of EPIRB signal is measured and the EPIRB's position is calculated. (6% chose this)
Information received from EPIRBs is time-tagged and transmitted to any Local User Terminal in the satellite's view. (24% chose this)
Which of the following statements concerning SITOR (NBDP) communications is true?
In ARQ, each character is transmitted twice, about 250 milliseconds apart. (5% chose this)
In ARQ, the "information sending station" will transmit a block of three characters that the receiving station will subsequently acknowledge or request it to be retransmitted. (70% chose this)
In ARQ, the "information sending station" transmits a block of three characters twice, about 250 milliseconds apart. (14% chose this)
SITOR communications can be used to contact a NAVTEX transmitting station when requesting a repeat transmission of a missed NAVTEX message. (11% chose this)
The antenna goes past the AZ EL of the satellite but does not initialize but you can manually point the antenna at the satellite and acquire signal. What is the most likely problem?
Which of the following test procedures may be used to determine a VHF receiver's minimum discernible signal?
Connect an oscilliscope to the antenna input and observe the amplitude of minimum signal voltage plotted on the display's vertical axis as a function of time on the horizontal axis. (15% chose this)
Set a signal generator to the frequency of the VHF receiver, adjust the output signal to near zero, and increase the signal level until an audio voltmeter connected to the AF output point indicates a 3-dB increase. (68% chose this)
Connect a spectrum analyzer to the antenna input and apply the maximum amount of attentuation to detect minimum signal level plotted on the display's vertical axis as a function of frequency on the horizontal axis. (13% chose this)
Connect a 156.3 Mhz signal generator to the antenna input, set the VHF receiver to channel 06 and measure dynamic range using an oscilliscope. (3% chose this)
Capable of being configured to automatically transmit an APR, transmit an APR every 6 hours, be able to automatically transmit a PR if requested. (71% chose this)
Capable of being configured to automatically transmit an APR, transmit an APR every 12 hours, be able to automatically transmit a PR if requested. (10% chose this)
Capable of being configured to automatically receive an APR, transmit an APR every 8 hours, be able to automatically transmit a PR if requested. (12% chose this)
Capable of being configured to automatically receive an APR, transmit an APR every 24 hours, be able to automatically transmit a PR if requested. (7% chose this)
What are the characteristics of the SART transmitted signal?
It starts with a sweep of 10.2 usec.followed by a sweep of 0.6 usec for a total of 10 sweeps. (7% chose this)
It starts with a sweep of 0.8 usec followed by a sweep of 12.6 usec for a total of 12 sweeps. (22% chose this)
It starts with a sweep of 0.4usec across the entire 3 cm radar band followed by a returning sweep of 7.5 usec back to the beginning for a total of 12 sweeps. (62% chose this)
It starts with a sweep of 8.5 usec followed by a sweep of 0.4 usec for 10 sweeps. (9% chose this)
You attempt to program a new MMSI into a VHF radio with an existing MMSI. The radio will not accept the entry. What is the best course of action to correct this problem?
You must RESET the DSC memory by holding down two buttons as described in the user manual. (24% chose this)
You can never change a number, once one is already programmed. (3% chose this)
Re-register the old MMSI with the new owner and make no programming changes to the radio. (5% chose this)
Contact the manufacturer for action to clear the MMSI memory and accept the new number. (68% chose this)
Which of the following procedures may be used in many U.S. ports as a quick field test to determine if a shipboard VHF receiver is operating properly?
Tune the VHF receiver to 158.6 MHz and listen for local U.S. Coast Guard announcements or radio traffic from other vessels. (22% chose this)
Set the VHF radio to a simplex channel, key the transmitter, and monitor the quality of the transmitted signal with the internal receiver. (9% chose this)
Tune the VHF radio to 162.550 MHz, 162.400 MHz or 162.475 MHz and listen for broadcasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (63% chose this)
Connect appropriate test equipment to the radio and measure signal levels at the output of the receiver's RF amplifier stage. (6% chose this)
Which of the following conditions would be a symptom of malfunction in a 2182 kHz SSB radiotelephone?
No indication of power output when speaking into the microphone. (75% chose this)
Much higher noise level observed during daytime operation. (3% chose this)
When testing a radiotelephone alarm on 2182 kHz into an artificial antenna, the Distress frequency watch receiver becomes un-muted, an improper testing procedure. (13% chose this)
Failure to contact a shore station 600 nautical miles distant during daytime operation. (8% chose this)
What is indicated if a VHF radio fails to receive nearby stations and a voltmeter connected between the positive side of a radio's DC line and ground reads zero line voltage? The fuse in the VHF radio also reads zero when checked with an ohmmeter.
The antenna may be defective or water intrusion has affected antenna system performance. (12% chose this)
The coaxial transmission line may be open, shorted, or a connector has become intermittent. (8% chose this)
A fault in the discriminator circuit is producing zero output voltage during peak modulation. (9% chose this)
A "crowbar" circuit has prevented an over current condition that might damage the radio. (71% chose this)
What is the normal specific gravity of a fully charged lead acid battery cell? What device is used to measuring the electrolyte of a lead acid battery?
Antenna system matching can be analyzed by determining the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR). Which of the following is the best test procedure to measure the SWR of a marine VHF antenna system?
Insert an in-line RF Power meter between the VHF radio and an artificial antenna, set the radio to any channel, key the microphone, and read the measured value. (5% chose this)
Insert a SWR meter between the VHF transmitter and the coaxial transmission line connected to the antenna, set the radio to channel 16, and conduct a "RADIO CHECK" with a nearby U.S. Coast Guard station or vessel. (10% chose this)
Insert an in-line RF Power meter between the VHF radio and the coaxial transmission line disconnected from the antenna, activate the Push-To-Talk (PTT) circuit, and read the forward and reflected values. (8% chose this)
Insert a SWR meter between the VHF radio and the coaxial transmission line connected to the antenna, set the radio to an unused channel, activate the Push-To-Talk (PTT) circuit, and read the measured value. (77% chose this)
What condition can indicate a communication failure between the second receiver (RX2) and the Antenna Control Unit (ACU) in an Inmarsat Fleet 77 terminal?
The terminal will indicate RX2 is locked onto a signal on the Inmarsat NCSC channel. (9% chose this)
The terminal will indicate receipt of a valid frame on the Inmarsat NCSC channel. (3% chose this)
The message "RX2 Comm error" or "ACU Comm error" will be displayed. (76% chose this)
The DCE/DTE communication protocol is improperly configured. (12% chose this)
What will cause an individual battery cell to reverse polarity?
The charging circuits are connected in the correct polarity but all of the cells are equally charged. (6% chose this)
High discharge rates without allowing for a cool down period. (12% chose this)
When discharging the battery — if a cell becomes weaker then the remaining cells the discharge current will effectively charge the weaker cell in reverse polarity. (78% chose this)
Insufficient charging which does not bring all of the cells up to full charge. (3% chose this)
What is the meaning of "Reserve Source of Energy"?
High caloric value items for lifeboat, per SOLAS regulations. (2% chose this)
Diesel fuel stored for the purpose of operating the powered survival craft for a period equal to or exceeding the U.S.C.G. and SOLAS requirements. (7% chose this)
Power to operate the radio installation and conduct Distress and Safety communications in the event of failure of the ship's main and emergency sources of electrical power. (90% chose this)
The diesel fueled emergency generator that supplies AC to the vessel's Emergency power bus. (2% chose this)