D-*-*-CRET Friendly Untimed Exams
Hey, is there a more convenient time/day we could test you? Please email me at [Mckenziehouck@gmail.com]. I will get bacl to you in a timely manner.
This is a very simple 2-step process.
Register then pay, just be sure to complete both steps.
Follow this youtube link on how to get your FCC FRN
Register at HamStudy.org for your exam.Please orovide your phone number,as it will make it easierf to contact you if need be.
Follow the instructions you will immediately receive by email. And please do not forget to submit your payment. The exam fee is $14. Please follow the links below or in the confirmation email to submit your exam fee.
Pay NOW with Paypal [https://paypal.me/mckenziehouck1]
Pay NOW with Cashapp [https://cash.me/$repowife2012]