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The Cape Fear Areas Digital Test Session

Apr 19, 2025 (Sat)
10:30-12:30pm EDT
Test Fee:
3802 College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
1 / 10 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Welcome to our simple, efficient registration process. First you will "Register" for your exam using the button below. Secondly, return here to process your exam fee payment. After registering, be on the lookout for an email with instructions Please check your SPAM folder for possible misdirected mail about your test session. Important: For test session information, testing requirements, and payment information please see detailed directions below. Please promptly send payment after completing your registration or please email us at acarctesting@gmail.com and let us know you intend to pay in CASH the day of. The exam fee is $15. Please follow the link below to submit your exam fee. Please clearly indicate in the notes field who the payment is for.

PayPal: Still working on this one

Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/pay?recipients=ac4rc&audience=private&note=VE+Testing+Fee&amount=15.00

Detailed Exam Instructions:

The Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club Test Team strives to make your exam stress free and efficient while providing a friendly, positive environment. Our process employs rules for maintaining integrity of the testing environment. Following these instructions closely will ensure that your test will be efficient and successful. Hamstudy.org will give you a current list of sessions. Look for a testing session with seating still available. Plan on about 30 minutes for your exam session. However, well prepared applicants can be in and out in less than 15 minutes. Some sessions may take longer if technology issues arise. If the applicant is under the age of 13, additional documentation is required. Please download and complete this COPPA FORM, and email it to coppa@examtools.org. Please COPY the same email to acarctesting@gmail.com. This is for compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.