Acton / Agua Dulce Amateur Radio Class Final Exam
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AADARC Class final examination
All classes of exams are offered in the following order: Technician, General, Amateur Extra, for anyone going past Technician. Please make sure you study for the correct element(s)/level(s), as it is not permitted to take them out of sequence. This session is for the exam only and not for any prep course. A $35 Application Fee charged by the FCC. If you pass your exam and time permits you may take the next level of exam at no additional charge as long as you have studied for it and are prepared to pass that exam. Exam fees are waived for minors, students with a current ID, active military, veterans or GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra. You are allowed to use a calculator and one scratch paper. The calculator shall have all memories cleared and scratch paper blank. If you are under 13 years old, you may not register for any exam session until your parent or guardian has filled out our COPPA Parental Consent Form. You will need an FRN to sit for an exam. For first time applicants you may get one during the registration process. For more information, please reach out to Brian, N6CVO: