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KP In Person Exam

Feb 15, 2025 (Sat)
9:00-10:00am EST
Test Fee:
1900 Clubhouse Dr, Sun City Center, FL 33573, USA
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American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
4 / 4 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Thanks for choosing Kings Point ARC for your In Person testing needs. We test the 3rd Saturday of every month, if there are pre-registered candidates. NO Walk-ins We administer In Person electronic testing with tablets.
Exam Fee is $15.00 Cash & Correct change is appreciated. Please bring Photo ID.
If you don't have an FRN number the registration process will assist you in getting one.
We start at 9 AM, Reminder: NO Walk-ins Allowed.
Make sure you are ready to pass your exam. Use https://hamstudy.org/ to practice. It's free to set up an account, it tracks how many questions you've seen and your efficiency. You should get to a point where you've seen all the questions and you are regularly scoring 85% or better, then you are ready to take your test. We look forward to seeing you !

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