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December Test

Dec 06, 2025 (Sat)
12:00-1:00pm EST
Test Fee:
4060 Springs Rd, Hickory, NC 28601, USA
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W4VEC Volunteer Examiners Club of America
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:


Once you sign up you'll be scheduled to take a ham radio license exam Saturday 12/6/2025 @ 12:00pm noon. The test will be held at the St Stephens Fire Dept in Conover. Directions are here if you need them: 4060 Springs Rd, Conover, NC 28613, GPS: https://goo.gl/maps/es7Y6LNPMqt4cfhR8. Please be on-time as the exam will start promptly at 12:00pm noon. If you are bringing someone to test or know someone that wants to test, please eMail me back to let me know. Please read the instructions below as they are required steps and will make the process go much smoother...

For current UNLICENSED persons taking their test for the first time: If you haven't done so already, you will first need to register for an FRN on the FCC website. Every single person testing MUST have their own FRN number, even if there is 2 or 3 family members each will need their own FRN). Go to this link: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do and click Register and then select Individual account. Follow the rest of the directions to make your account. Once finished you will need to print your FRN account information out and bring that with you to the test session; an FRN is required before you can test. If you don't do this it will severely delay things. Also, besides a printed copy of your FRN info, you will also need to bring 2 forms of ID (1 at least being a photo ID), and $12.00 cash per person for the test fee (change may not be available if not exact). Please keep in mind, if you fail the test and want to take it again it will cost an additional $12.00, however if you pass and want to attempt the next higher element it is free! Also please send me all of your personal contact info (name, address, city/zip, phone #, etc) with your FRN number, if you haven't done so already, so we can expedite your waiting time for paperwork completion. This is important to prepare for just in-case of internet or printer issues...

For current LICENSED hams wanting to UPGRADE: First, login to your FCC FRN account here: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do and once logged in on the next screen in green highlight at the top of the screen it should say "Download your official electronic authorizations here". Click that and towards the bottom screen there should be a box with all your FCC licenses in it. Highlight your current ham license and click Add, it should move your ham license to the next box over, then click the Download button on the far bottom right screen. Once done please print out your current ham license, sign it, and bring that to the test session. Your FCC FRN number should be on the printed license document but if it's not you'll need to print out your FRN number too or at least bring the number with you as you'll need that number for your upgrade exam. Also you'll need to bring your photo ID and $12.00 per person for your test.

For PREVIOUSLY-LICENSED hams but have EXPIRED: If you were once licensed as a ham operator but it expired, you will need to bring a copy of your previous ham license along with 2 forms of ID (with 1 being a photo ID) and $12.00 cash per person. You will just need to pass a Technician exam to get your next appropriate level license class automatically (for example, if you were an Extra class but now expired, if you pass a Technician on Saturday you will be automatically granted your Extra class back).

You will be given a blank sheet of scratch paper in case you have anything you need to work out during the exam. Pens and pencils will be provided for you but if you'd like to bring your own you're more than welcome to. Please being exact change for your test fee if possible, we may not have exact change to give you back. Covid masks are optional at this time, masks are NOT provided you will need to provide your own should you want to wear one. Also, if you'd like to join our ham club the dues are $20.00 per year if you want to bring that as well; we would love to have you join us as we have a lot of experienced hams that will assist you any way they can! Other than that, good luck, make sure you come with all the right answers in your head, and we will see you Saturday at 12:00pm! If you have any questions or need clarification on anything at all, please let me know and I will do my best to assist you. See you Saturday!