OARC Testing Session
Jun 07, 2023 (Wed)
5:30-7:30pm EDT
Test Fee:
4603 W Colonial Dr, Orlando, FL 32808, USA
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Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:
This Session will be held in the Social Hall (the green building) NEXT TO the East Gate accessible from Fairvilla Road.
This session is FREE but the FCC may assess an application fee of $35.
- The $35 fee ONLY applies to new, renewal, and vanity call sign applications.
- There are NO FEES for modifications such as upgrades, requests for a new sequential call sign, or for administrative updates such as a change of name, mailing address, e-mail address, or license cancellation.
- The fee is paid directly to the FCC after the session (via e-mailed instructions)
- Please use a valid e-mail address. The FCC will dismiss any application without a valid e-mail. The e-mail address is not public.
This exam session is in conjunction with the Orlando Amateur Radio Club's monthly meetings.