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AJ6NJ In-Person Exam Session - GLAARG - 9 AM (Lakeside, San Diego County, CA)

Jun 25, 2022 (Sat)
9:00-12:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
12821 Ha Hana Rd, Lakeside, CA 92040, USA
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Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group
Notes from the team:

Contact: Michael Paul Mastroleo (AJ6NJ) at (619) 972-1148 or mastroleo20@outlook.com

Fourth Saturday at 9AM (PST) In-Person Exam

Image of GLAARG logo

LARC “Lakeside Amateur Radio Club” and GLAARG "Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group" are happy and pleased to offer examinations for all levels of licenses in Amateur Radio.

Social distancing will be enforced and MASKS MUST BE WORN!

Testing will begin at 9:00 AM. Walk-ins are welcome.

Candidates please bring the following items:

  • A government photo ID (driver's license, military ID or passport)
  • Completed NCVEC-605 quick form at http://glaarg.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NCVEC_Form_605_2017_fillable.2017.08.24.pdf. Please sign in pen. Forms available on-site, too. Click here to get help with form.
  • If you are upgrading, you will also need a copy of your license and your FRN (a ten-digit number).
  • Fee $10.00 (cash or personal check with proper ID); retests are $10.00
  • Exam fees are waived for minors 17 years and under, students with a current ID, first responders, Active Military, Veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra.

New Licensees: If you do not have an FRN issued by the FCC, please go and register at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do. Just follow the prompts to receive your ten-digit number.

Upgrades: Along with your FRN, please bring a copy of your current license. The FCC no longer issues paper licenses. If you need a paper copy of your license, you can login and download one from https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/licManager/login.jsp.

Contact: Michael Paul Mastroleo (AJ6NJ) at (619) 972-1148 or mastroleo20@outlook.com

Location: Morning Star Lutheran Church, 12821 Ha Hana Road, Lakeside, California 92040

Future Exams: Every 4th Saturday of the Month, except December. (9 AM - Noon)