Scioto Valley ARC Exam Session (IN PERSON)
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Let us know you're coming! Priority will be given to those who have pre-registered.
There is NO CHARGE to take exams provided by Laurel VEC! Please Register early! Plan on a minimum of 1 hour for your exam session. Some sessions take longer if technology issues arise.
Let us know if you need any accommodations (such as large print, verbal exam readings, etc.)
You can take more than one exam at a session: Technician, General, Amateur Extra
You must bring a government issued Photo ID.
YOU MUST HAVE AN FCC Registration Number (FRN). Candidates seeking to upgrade their license most likely already have an FRN. The FCC will not process any applications without FRN. You must obtain an FRN before the session if you are unlicensed. The registration process will assist in obtaining an FRN, but you can also follow the instructions at: