In-Person Exam Session - Villa Rica Georgia Public Library
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Please read the instructions on Be aware that the Federal Communications Commision (FCC) will be collecting license fees sometime in the future. Read about it at the FCC website: Click on + for Report & Order FCC 20-184
In Person testing: No need to bring a laptop or tablet. Computers are available at the library for exam testing. We will need a photo-ID. Cash is preferred for the session fee. When registering for an exam, a NCVEC 605 application is generated. Once your exam is successful, you will view and sign this document. Your registration also generates a 4-digit PIN code which will identifies you at your test session. For current licensed persons wanting to upgrade your current license, consult for further information. New applicants will be assigned an FRN when you registered for this examination at Social Security numbers are never accepted. You must have a FRN.