Please look at my web site for more info. You will get an email so you know where to go to pay your exam fee, After we receive your payment we will send you a link to zoom meeting and a time slot 1 of 4. .DO NOT FORGET YOUR photo ID. For more INFO call Rodney Webb 423 327 7727 You must get your FRN # YOU WILL NEED YOUR PC AND PHONE ON ZOOM PLEASE INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER All classes of exams offered. Order of exams are: Technician, General, Amateur Extra. Please make sure that you study for the correct exam. This session is for the exam only and not for the prep course You can take more than one exam per session. We only ask that you have studied for that element and have been scoring at least 80% on practice tests.. This is not a timed exam; you will need to complete the test without any interruptions. You agree to keep attention on your computer screen at all times. Don’t let your eyes wander to other parts of the room and do not leave your seat during the exam. You are not allowed to read any questions or answers out loud and you cannot talk to yourself. You must remove any drinks, snacks, papers, or anything else that might distract you including vapes and tobacco products. You cannot have any visitors or pets in the room. Please close and lock all doors. Since you cannot use manual calculators, you may use an on-screen calculator app. Would you like to use a calculator app? (If yes) Please move the calculator app all the way to the left side of your screen. You should only have on your screen the Zoom (and calculator) app. All browsers, e-mails, notifications, and notes must not only be closed, but they have to be shut down and quit completely.