ARRL in-person Georgetown KY sponsored by Scott County Amateur Radio Society
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TEST SESSION TIME (EASTERN TIME ZONE): 10:00 AM* *if you are going to be more then 45 minutes late please let me know
Door on west side of building at top of handicap ramp (accessible from front of building next to stairs (front doors are locked), parking is also on this side of building.
When you enter the door, please have a seat at the end of open table, larger test sessions we will have no more than 2 at a table. All the test are randomly generated// PLace your Photo ID and $15 examination fee and calculator you plan to use on table infant of you, please silence your cell phone place off table. My VE team will come around and collect your fee, and check ID, and provide you your test. Instruction will be given during this time, and then the room should quiet down and you may start when you are comfortable.
If you have a question or have completed your examination, please raise your hand, one of my VE team embers will come assist or collect your test, also if you are interested in taking the next level exam if you pass, please let our VE team know so they can bring that back to you upon successful completing of the exam they are taking to the grading machine.
If you earned a new license or upgrade at the exam, before you leave, make sure you complete the electronic signature before leaving the building; This is typically done in the lobby just outside the testing room depending on how many people are testing to keep the room as quiet as possible. Bathrooms are located out here as well.
After signing your electronics signature, you are then free to exit either through the front doors in the lobby or the door you came in.